A tale of two locker rooms

I have two gym memberships. The first one is for Washington Sports Club, part of the Town Sports (aka MySportsClubs) chain. I joined in 2014 when it was only $19 a day – part of the reason I haven’t gotten rid of it. I’m limited to one location and one-time guests, but I like it because it feels like a proper gym. They provide towels, not pizza, and many of the free weights and even the weight machines are of the super-intimidating variety. Going there makes me feel like a true gym rat ‍♀️ — or as my husband once called me, a “gym bunny” (because “rat” is pejorative).

By comparison, Planet Fitness — my other regular gym — feels like it’s playing pretend. All the machines are a very non-intimidating purple, the free weights are all covered in a sort of safety-rubber, and they serve CARBS. Yes, serve them – for free!! They have tootsie rolls out all the time and they have serve pizza one night each week and bagels one morning. WTAF? To top it off they have this stupid “lunk” alarm they sound whenever someone gets a little “extra” in the gym.

Lunk: “one who grunts, drops weights, or judges.” — Planet Fitness

But, for me, nothing separates the cultures of these gyms more than the ladies locker rooms. The set up of both lockers room is pretty typical, with lockers and benches and a path to the bathrooms and showers. But unlike the WSC locker rooms, at PF all the ladies manage to keep their clothes on. Now if you aren’t familiar with the WSC, you might be wondering why I would say such a thing. But here’s the deal. I can’t even take a photo of that one because there is ALWAYS someone naked it the WSC ladies locker room. People of all shapes, sizes and colors avail themselves of the nakedness-friendly nature of the locker room. Like seriously, every time I enter, at least one person is at least half, if not fully, naked. Every. Damn. Time.

I’ve been going to three different PF locations over the last year and I have never seen anyone naked. Not once. And that is a wonderful thing.

And before you launch into a discussion about how social norms vary across race, ethnic, and socioeconomic groups, allow me to point out that my favorite PF location is exactly one block from the WSC and has a very similar demographic makeup.

I think that changing stalls included in every PF locker room are one contributor to the reduced nakedness, but I don’t think that’s the whole story. I think there is something about the culture these two places have created that has an impact here. The PF “Judgement Free Zone” is a reminder to be considerate to your fellow gym patrons; a reminder that it’s not all about you. And that includes remembering that some people may be uncomfortable with your nakedness. ‍♀️‍♀️‍♀️

When I ignore the fact that they serve carbs — like seriously, I can’t go during those hours — what PF has going for it is pretty special. Yeah, I have to bring my own towel, but the atmosphere of PF exists to demonstrate that excercise should be accessible; that we are all flawed beings just trying to live our best lives; and that maybe we shouldn’t take ourselves so seriously. For the same $19 a month (I think they went up to $21 now) I also get to go to any PF location I want, bring a guest anytime I want, and use the hydro beds, which are truly my happy place.

I know I’d be mocked by the bodybuilding.com types for saying this, but in the Washington Sports Club vs Planet Fitness debate, I think Planet Fitness might be better.

**There is nothing sponsored about this post. Just sharing myexperience.**

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